Modern Well Log Interpretation

Details :

A five-day classroom course, with many individual exercises.

The course comes in two “flavors” depending upon the background of the participants. The first three days cover all standard and modern well-logging measurements both Wireline and LWD, and the remaining two days cover specific topics as follows:

Ø  a “geological” flavor covering dipmeter/imaging logs, use of logs for correlation, mineralogy

Ø  an “engineering” flavor covering cased-hole topics such as bond- & corrosion-logging, fluid level monitoring, perforation performance issues.

Ø  depending on participants’ background and interest, a number of more advanced topics can be presented in the form of overviews; details are in the course content summary below.

A five-day classroom course, with many individual exercises.

The course comes in two “flavors” depending upon the background of the participants. The first three days cover all standard and modern well-logging measurements both Wireline and LWD, and the remaining two days cover specific topics as follows:

Ø  a “geological” flavor covering dipmeter/imaging logs, use of logs for correlation, mineralogy

Ø  an “engineering” flavor covering cased-hole topics such as bond- & corrosion-logging, fluid level monitoring, perforation performance issues.

Ø  depending on participants’ background and interest, a number of more advanced topics can be presented in the form of overviews; details are in the course content summary below.

The course is intended for entry-level engineers and geologists/geophysicists, as well as for experienced geo-scientists and technical assistants working with, or needing to understand better, the principles of log interpretation and/or to update themselves on the range of log measurements and techniques now available to them.

Day 1

General Topics and Resistivity Measurements

1. Brief Overview of Requirement for Wireline & LWD Measurements

2. Overview of Basic Petrophysical Models & Relationships Used in “Clean” formation interpretation

3. Overview of Basic Geological Models & Signatures obtainable from well logs or

4. Overview of Basic Geological Models & Signatures obtainable from well logs

5. Overview of Basic Applications of Wireline & LWD Methods for Well Completions (Geoscientists and/or Reservoir Monitoring (Engineers)

6. Depth Measurements & Control

 7. Conductivity in Electrolytes and Derivation of Rmf at Formation Temperature

8. Use of SP for Geological Interpretation and to determine Rw

9. Resistivity Measurements to Determine Rt , Rxo and invasion profile                              

Tornado chart corrections & implications of the “step-profile” and other invasion profile assumptions

10. Gamma Ray     

11. Caliper Measurements

12. Identification of Potential Zones of Interest using SP, GR and Resistivity

[This section is mainly the participants working through a series of log examples to illustrate the selection of zones of possible interest]

Day 2

Porosity and Mineralogy/Lithology Measurements                     

13. Measurements for Determination of Porosity & Mineralogy/Lithology

•Density Measurements

•Neutron Measurements

•Acoustic Measurements

•Pe Measurements

•Cross plot methods for porosity & lithology determination

14. Gamma Ray Spectrometry and Core Sampling for Enhanced Mineralogy Determination

•Spectral Gamma Ray

•Elemental Capture Spectrometry

•Percussion & Mechanical Sidewall Coring

 Day 3

Linking Resistivity with Porosity/Mineralogy Measurements

15. Linking Porosity, Formation Factor and Water Saturation

16. Determination of Water Saturations in Virgin and Flushed Zones

17. Completion & review of 1st example set of logs (“Clean Sand” example) which the group has been working on in teams over the first 3 days.  Review of GoM LWD set of logs (“Homework” example) given to participants for their study after course hours.

Day 4

Miscellaneous Measurements for Petroleum Engineering and Geological Applications

18. Pressure Measurements, Fluid Sampling & Analysis using Formation Testers

19. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Measurements

20. Permeability Determination from Logs & Pressure Measurements

21. Overview of Computer Log Interpretation Methods

Alternative Topics for Geologists’ Course:

22. Other Geological Applications of Resistivity, Porosity & GR Spectrum Measurements

Discussion of examples & applications

Alternative Topics for Engineers’ Course:

23. Cased-Hole Logging Measurements

Day 5

Log Quality Control, Interpretation of Final Example

24. Overview of Some Log Quality Control Issues

25. Participants work in groups on 2nd example set of logs, preferably from general area of course, otherwise using a standard example from the North Sea (“Forties” example)

26. Review of interpretation of 2nd set of logs, final summary and prize-giving, award of certificates

Other Topics on Special Request, or as Time Permits:

27. Overview of Dipole Sonic Measurements

28. Electromagnetic Propagation Measurements

29. Overview of Shaly Sand Interpretation

30. Overview of Log Interpretation in Thin Sand/Shale sequences

31. Overview of Log Applications in Shale - Oil/Gas Formations

32. Overview of Log Interpretation in Complex Carbonate Reservoirs

33. Overview of Different Approaches to Cement Bond Evaluation

34. Overview of Production Logging in Horizontal Wells

  • All lectures are in colorful presentation
  • All lectures are interspersed with interactive discussion
  • All lectures include group discussion, case history and exercises
  • Actual major incidents as well as industry experience are reviewed
  • Participants receive a multicolor course manual
  • Pictures of real incidents and case history are shown
  • Videos on the subject are shown

daily 09:00 – 14:00